Monday, July 23, 2007

We are here and safe!

We have arrived safely in Poland. We arrived at Camp Ostroda last night, ate dinner and had our first night of worship. Sleep was a bit rough for some of us but we suspect tonight will be much better as our bodies have somewhat adjusted.
Today, we tested the campers to determine in what level class they will participate. We will begin teaching English tomorrow.
Well, tonight we will lead worship and Pastor Marek will preach on Ephesians 3 & 4: treat one another with kindness.
Please pray that we get a good night's rest.
Until tomorrow...


Anj Chastain said...

I am thrilled to hear that you all made it to Camp Ostrada safely! I wish you all the best on your mission trip. I will continue to pray for all of you. I send all my love to the Neace family!!

Love, Anj Chastain

Diane said...

Hello Team Members,
We are so happy you had a great day and that you all made it safely to Poland. Carry on with God's good works.

Chuck and Diane Kozielski
(Nanny and Grandpa K)