Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day 1 of English Classes

Our first day of English classes went well. We created our first newscast for the camp with the Level 4 class and presented it at worship this evening. Felt like we were back in worship at Wheatland.

Tomorrow will present a new day. We are rested and looking forward to another day at Camp Come Together.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Team Wheatland

1 comment:

The cheater said...

Hi guys,

I sure hope that all is well with everyone. Looks like the English classes are underway and worship has begun with a bang! How are the games going, Kim? Sure hope the kids are healthy and happy....how about the moms? We're praying for you all....remember to take a breather, once in a while and chill....have fun and build relationships :-)

Kathy Abraham