Saturday, July 28, 2007

It is Saturday in Ostroda

It is Saturday here at Camp Come Together. We are beginning our English lessons for the day.

Last night was a very late night in chapel. The Holy Spirit was definitely present as Pastor Z spoke on God changing our lives. Many kids stayed for prayer after the worship service and Pastor John was asked to participate in this time of prayer. John had plans to call it an early night but obviously God had other plans for him to serve. He finally joined us around 11:00 P.M. and he was able to share with us different ways to pray for the kids.

Today we will be able to take a little time to walk to downtown Ostroda. Although we aren't taking a full day trip the camp is going to take a break and go in town for coffee and to walk around. So, we will not have our craft time or afternoon worship session today.

Please pray for us to have a wonderful day of rest tomorrow. Rest is in high demand as the lack of it is catching up with many of us.

Please pray for boldness and courage for us to minister to the youth. The language barrier presents it's own challenges but we know that the Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of both the Polish and American team. We do see God's good works here at Camp Come Together and look forward to the last 5 days of opportunity to minister and serve.

God Bless!

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