Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Today we watched "Facing The Giants" during our first English session. Second session we discussed the movie in our classes. The movie was a great way to bring full circle all that we had learned both in our English classes and during worship. How great is our God!

Tonight we will be entertained by a Polish worship band named Silo. They will perform a concert here at the camp.

The children have been great. They have been participating in the classes, helping with crafts, socializing with the youth and all around great servants. We are so blessed to have such a great group of kids.

It will be sad to bring our English lessons to an end tomorrow. We will have a very long day and night tomorrow night as we close out our time together. Thursday we will spend the day saying our goodbyes and packing and having coffee with Pastor Z and Lydia. Friday we will head to Warsaw and get on the plane on Saturday for our long flight home.

Those of us that are able look forward to being in worship on Sunday morning. We are excited to share how we have seen God at work in both our lives and the lives of the Polish youth.

God is Good!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday and Pictures

Here are some pictures from our first week here at camp.

Silly quote of the day:

Why did you put on clean clothes? Go up and put your dirty clothes on.
(John to Megan)

Serious quote of the day:
Even rainbows are prettier in Poland...
God bless.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Day of Rest

Today we spent the day in Gdansk and Sopot Poland. It was a wonderful day. Our bus was quite small and cramped but it moved fast which was nice...

Tomorrow we will begin our last week of English lessons. It will be fun to get back in the groove. Camp ends after breakfast on Thursday. We will spend the better part of Thursday organizing and packing up and will leave early Friday morning. We will spend Friday seeing some of the historic sights in Warsaw.

Please keep us in your prayers as we begin our last leg of the trip. We have built many solid relationships with the kids and we look forward to continuing to grow those relationships.

Glen gave a testimony in worship on Thursday night and we look forward to seeing how God will work this week.

God bless....

Saturday, July 28, 2007

It is Saturday in Ostroda

It is Saturday here at Camp Come Together. We are beginning our English lessons for the day.

Last night was a very late night in chapel. The Holy Spirit was definitely present as Pastor Z spoke on God changing our lives. Many kids stayed for prayer after the worship service and Pastor John was asked to participate in this time of prayer. John had plans to call it an early night but obviously God had other plans for him to serve. He finally joined us around 11:00 P.M. and he was able to share with us different ways to pray for the kids.

Today we will be able to take a little time to walk to downtown Ostroda. Although we aren't taking a full day trip the camp is going to take a break and go in town for coffee and to walk around. So, we will not have our craft time or afternoon worship session today.

Please pray for us to have a wonderful day of rest tomorrow. Rest is in high demand as the lack of it is catching up with many of us.

Please pray for boldness and courage for us to minister to the youth. The language barrier presents it's own challenges but we know that the Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of both the Polish and American team. We do see God's good works here at Camp Come Together and look forward to the last 5 days of opportunity to minister and serve.

God Bless!

Friday, July 27, 2007

3rd Day of Teaching Comes To An End

Thursday presented a different challenge--change! While change is a common occurrence here at CCT5, yesterday the teaching schedule changed in order to follow the good weather and allow for time outside in the sun. We had a long break midday and then concluded our teaching in the afternoon.

Level 3 presented in worship Thursday night by leading motions to the song "You Are Good". It was awesome. Today Jen will teach Level 1 motions to a song and hopefully they will lead in worship this evening.

While typically Saturday involves a day trip with the whole camp, at this point we will be teaching lessons with only one days rest - on the Sabbath. We hope to take a day trip as an American team somewhere near the Baltic Sea.

The campers have been great; little to no behavioral issues or problems. Many are believers and it is awesome to see them with a spirit of worship. They are very exuberant and love to jump and dance during the upbeat worship songs.

Well, tomorrow is another day that will undoubtedly present blessings and challenges. Please pray for us to be able to get some well needed rest Friday night; maybe an early taps would be good for us.

God Bless and thank you for the kind messages. They are a true blessing.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday has come to an end

The weather has been marginal since we arrived. We've had some sun but mostly rainy and cool. We are delighted to wake up to a beautiful day on Thursday.

We worshiped for quite some time Wednesday night. The kids are very exuberant in their worship which is awesome.

God is truly working in the hearts of both teams. Please pray for continued unity and perseverance.

We found out that we are teaching English on Saturday which was not part of our original plan. Please pray that we have the strength to continue with enthusiasm.

God Bless...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day 1 of English Classes

Our first day of English classes went well. We created our first newscast for the camp with the Level 4 class and presented it at worship this evening. Felt like we were back in worship at Wheatland.

Tomorrow will present a new day. We are rested and looking forward to another day at Camp Come Together.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Team Wheatland

Monday, July 23, 2007

First Day Ends

Our worship tonight was incredible. We are very tired at the end of our first day.

Tomorrow we being English lessons. We are very blessed as Pam's computer has a video editing system that we will be able to use to create a newscast for teaching purposes. Our sound system had issues before the service began tonight but God was truly watching over us and we had no distractions. John and Marc are great sound guys along with Benjamin.

Until next time..

We are here and safe!

We have arrived safely in Poland. We arrived at Camp Ostroda last night, ate dinner and had our first night of worship. Sleep was a bit rough for some of us but we suspect tonight will be much better as our bodies have somewhat adjusted.
Today, we tested the campers to determine in what level class they will participate. We will begin teaching English tomorrow.
Well, tonight we will lead worship and Pastor Marek will preach on Ephesians 3 & 4: treat one another with kindness.
Please pray that we get a good night's rest.
Until tomorrow...

Monday, July 9, 2007

The Wheatland Team, minus Alan, met last week. Here we are in full view!

We are counting down the days!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Pre Camp Preparation

Well, we have an official Camp Come Together blog. Look for more information to follow!