Friday, July 25, 2008

Surely the presence of God was in this place.

God has been tugging at the hearts of many of us on this trip. We were blessed to have been asked if one of our team members would like to teach at our evening worship. Kim had been praying about this opportunity, but wanted to wait to see if the moment was right and if this was part of God's plan for her on this trip. After much planning and praying, tonight was blessed by the Holy Spirit in so many ways.

Tonight's teaching was on Eternal Value. This message was shared through drama, worship songs, a message by Kim and testimonies from Marc and Kim. It was a night presented by the entire American team, young and old.

Through the sharing of testimonies, the Polish students and camp leaders were brought closer together through Him. As Marc shared his journey toward a relationship with God, you could see God working through him as his story unfolded. Afterwards Kim felt the nudge to share her story on how she and her family were called to Poland. Everyone was moved by how God worked in each of their lives.

Hearts were touched and tears were shed as we ended the night with the song "Shout to the Lord."

1 comment:

Laura K. said...

Thank you for sharing. Sounds like a wonderful night of worship; perfect preparation for tomorrow's wedding celebration. Enjoy every moment.