Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our Last Full Day

Today was the last full day here at camp and for those who have been here before, that means the Camp Ostroda Challenge. The campers were placed in teams for the entire camp and this was their final event. We planned a scavenger hunt with activities at each station related to things we have done all week. It was a great time, a nice break from teaching English!

This evening we had our final worship time together. The pastors allowed anyone who was willing to tell the group about their experience at Camp Come Together. It was great to hear all the short testimonials of how they were affected by those around them. We also had an opportunity to pray for one of the campers who will be returning to a reform school after camp instead of a home. We just pray that he will continue to feel God's love around him in that place.

For the rest of the evening, the campers are enjoying a movie marathon and then it's lights out. Tomorrow we will have a gathering to present certificates for attending the camp and pass out the cds we brought for them as gifts. We will also have a talent show for those who are still here. While it will be a time of fun, there will be many tears shed as they head for home. Please keep them in your prayers as they make the transition back to their homes.

We look forward to seeing you all Sunday. Thanks for checking in on us and being a part of our amazing trip.

God Bless!


Laura K. said...

Time for the rough part. I will pray that your departure will be filled with tears of joy!

Have fun on your last day.

Safe travels.

Alan T. said...

"Goodbye day" is hard.

My wish is that you'll have time to briefly connect again with each of the campers as they leave for home.

Safe travels to Warsaw and then home to O'Hare.

Love and prayers,