Monday, July 21, 2008

English Testing Day!

We started our camp today with an English test (oral and written) to determine which class each student will attend. We have students ranging from the very literate to those who need everything translated. Our hope is that everyone will leave here speaking English better than when they came and that they have fun learning it.

After testing we had some free time, unfortunately like last year we had a cool rainy day. We spent the day mostly indoors dancing (Macarena anyone?), playing ping pong and doing crafts. Then just before worship a beautiful rainbow appeared. It was a just the thing to lift our spirits , reminding of us the rainbow we saw last year. A perfect reminder of how God works in all our lives no matter where we live.

During worship, we had a special guest at camp, someone very familiar to Camp Come Together. Adam, a counselor from last year, is getting married this Saturday and wanted to personally invite the entire camp to be a part of his special day. We are all looking forward to this very special occasion.

That's about it for now. Till tomorrow...God Bless!


Laura K. said...

That's it. That'll be my excuse. I'll fly over for the wedding and just happen to get there a few days early and, well, might as well stay for the duration!

JK....glad things are going well. Keep up the good spirits.
Let me know of ANY new songs you learn. You know, like last year :)


Anj said...

I am relieved to hear you all made it to Camp Ostroda safely. I will continue to pray for all of you throughout your trip. To Kim, Glen, Alyssa and Austin...I love you guys, and I miss you already!!! Enjoy your trip!

Bea McGuire said...

Hello all,

Thanks so much for the blog updates. They help us stay connected and guide us in prayer. I remember the rainbow from last year! What comes to mind is God's constant faithfulness year after year (Ps.36:5).

Soak up every minute. I know you will!


Unknown said...

Ilove reading your updates on the blog. I was only at the first camp, but reading the blogs still makes me fell connected.

Have fun! You are in my prayers.

Carol Gerhardt

Leah said...

Hey camp come together!
It's Leah again. I'm glad to hear that everybody at the camp and my friends the neaces are having a great time. I liked reading the part about the rainbow and reminded me of the rainbow u showed me in your pictures =].
You are in my prayers!

Love, Leah